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频道:家教直通车 来源:张家港家教中心 点击:984 日期:2015-07-03

Anhui is a beautiful place in China with a long history. There are lots of places of interest. But the most famous place is the Yellow Mountain.

The Yellow Mountain lies in the south of Anhui, it lands on Huangshan city.

It has lots of famous places to visit like the Lianhua Mountain and one called a monkey is watching sea. of course ,this is not a real sea ,is it interesting?

Everyone who came back from the Yellow Mountain said it left a deep impression in his mind.

The Yellow Moutain is a present which was given by nature. As a person in Anhui, we should love it and be proud of it.(作者:高艾静)

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区域:市区 港区 泗港 锦丰 大新 南丰 乐余 塘桥 凤凰 杨舍镇 其它
学校:沙洲工学院 江苏科技大学 西交利物浦大学 常熟理工学院 苏州科技大学 苏州大学 其它
科目:数学 语文 物理 化学 英语 历史 地理 政治 钢琴 美术 书法 网球 日语 托福 雅思 计算机 韩语 奥数 吉他 围棋 英语口语 法语 德语 成人 外教 幼儿 作文
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